Informed Thinking Ltd
Supporting informed decision making for policy and practice
Some of our past projects and reports
Some of our past projects and reports

The Mental Health Taskforce was convened in March 2015, to develop a five year national strategy for mental health, covering all age groups. In order to ensure the forthcoming strategy is well informed Mind and Rethink Mental Illness carried out an online survey to gather the wide range of views of people with personal experience and professional expertise in mental health.
Our report documents the key findings of the survey and priorities for change indicated by respondents, including service users, carers and professionals. These findings can be found in the full engagement report:
Further information on the Mental Health Taskforce can be found through this link:
URL: http://www.england.nhs.uk/ourwork/part-rel/mh-taskforce/

A review of the literature on the transition from mental institutions to community-based mental health services is due to be published in one of five forthcoming reports, Community-Based approaches to Mental Health as part of the Joint Action for Mental Health and Well-being (JA MH-WB). Launched in 2013, the JA MH-WB aims at building a framework for action in mental health policy at the European level and builds on previous work
developed under the European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being. Funded by the European Agency for Health and Consumers, the Joint Action involves 51 partners representing 28 EU Member States and 11 European organizations, and is coordinated by the Nova Medical School/Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal.
For further information on the JA MH-WB and forthcoming publications go to:

Women’s Alternatives to Custodial Remand (ACRW) project. A 2-year evaluation of a Department of Health funded project to identify alternatives to custodial remand for women across three Magistrates’ Courts in South, West and East London – a service provided by the Together, St Mungo's Broadway and NHS mental health services.
The full report is forthcoming...

This 3-year pilot project funded by South London and Maudsley Charitable Funds aims to support people with a history of forensic mental health care. This report highlights some of the key evaluation findings after two year providing valuable insights into a relatively uncharted area of supporting services users with a history of forensic mental health services.

We helped write the report of an independent evaluation by the Mental Health Foundation of Your Way - Together for Mental Wellbeing’s personalised, community-based mental health services. This was a 3-year evaluation of 13 sites in which Day Centre services were transformed into personalised, flexible support services based in the community. Peer support was central to the Your Way service. Follow this link for a copy of the full report:
URL: http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/publications/your-way-evaluation-report/
HMP Brixton Mental Health Service: A one year evaluation of three aspects of the mental health service - the acute care wing, inreach mental health service and transfers to hospital - to explore the integration and collaboration between services prior to its re-roll to a Category C prison in April 2013.
A peer-review paper of the qualitative findings is currently being reviewed.

A project on behalf of the Institute of Mental Health, Nottingham on Mental Health Systems in the European Union Member States, Status of Mental Health in Populations and Benefits to be Expected from Investments into Mental Health (2013). A project to profile mental health systems across 29 EU countries and their prevention of mental illness and promotion of mental health activities. Funded by the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers, European Commission. The report was launched at the Mental health: Challenges and Possibilities, Lithuanian Presidency conference (Vilnius, 10-11 October, 2013).
URL: http://ec.europa.eu/health/mental_health/docs/europopp_full_en.pdf

o-author of the World Innovations Health Summit (WISH) report on global mental health (November, 2013). A report commissioned by Lord Darzi to showcase innovations for a summit meeting of health ministers, policy makers and civil servants to improve treatment and care for people with mental health problems globally. This is work done on behalf of Paul Farmer (CEO, Mind), in collaboration with Vikram Patel and Mary DeSilva (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Shekhar Saxena (WHO) and Vanessa Pinfold (McPin Foundation).

Informed Thinking has also been providing research supervision and analysis for ongoing projects where clients have needed extra capacity to complete research projects for tight deadlines.

Author of the Mental Health of Serving and Ex-Service Personnel – a review of the evidence and perspectives of key stakeholders (2013). A report commissioned by the Mental Health Foundation on behalf of the Forces in Mind Trust. a copy of the review can be obtained from this link: